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  • 2022-10-11 16:05:27
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Adults wet the bed too? Urinary incontinence is not terrible, how to care is the key!

elderly man

The body is more prone to a variety of problems

such as urinary incontinence

very common among the elderly


Although urinary incontinence is not a terrible disease

but uncontrolled leakage of urine

would be very embarrassing for the patient

social psychological fear

Severely affect the patient's quality of life




The most common cause of urinary incontinence in the elderly

One reason is bladder aging

Decreased ability to store urine

The old man with urinary incontinence

How should it be cared for?

Generally speaking, it is best to start from the following four aspects




How to treat urinary incontinence?


1. Reasonably adjust your diet

Elderly people with urinary incontinence should pay special attention to their diet and eat more foods that can enhance bladder tension, such as scallops, which are rich in animal protein and can effectively enhance bladder tension. You can also eat more foods high in fiber , such as whole grains, vegetables, etc., which are helpful to relieve urinary incontinence.

In addition, the amount of water you drink should also be well controlled , not too much, otherwise it will aggravate urinary incontinence, but not too little, which will easily increase blood viscosity and cause constipation.





2. Develop good urination habits

For the elderly with urinary incontinence, family members should help them develop good urination habits, preferably once every 3 hours , so as to train their ability to control their bladder, and the patient's awareness of urination will also be improved.

A mobile toilet can also be prepared for the elderly, which can be folded and has strong functions, which is convenient for the elderly to defecate.



3. Use adult diapers

Patients with urinary incontinence often cannot control urination, and the body leaks urine involuntarily. Therefore, it is best for family members to use adult diapers for the elderly . In the choice of diapers, it is necessary to be soft, close-fitting, comfortable, breathable, and safe to wear without side leakage . In addition, we should also pay attention to changing diapers for the elderly in time to prevent urine from irritating the skin for a long time and causing local skin infections.



4. Be patient

Urinary incontinence brings a lot of inconvenience to the life of the elderly, and it also hurts their self-esteem, which can easily lead to greater emotional fluctuations. Therefore, when nursing, we must pay attention to the attitude, be kind, be more patient , and spend more time with the elderly to have a heart-to-heart, chat, to maintain a happy mood, so that they can feel the care and warmth of their family.

Of course, it can also cultivate some interests and hobbies of the elderly, which can enhance their self-confidence in life .



The above are the commonly used nursing methods for the elderly with urinary incontinence

Everyone can collect

The physical function of the elderly gradually deteriorates with age

Urinary incontinence is normal

Nursing staff should be treated with peace of mind

Help the elderly live better
